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This site was last updated on 08/11/2023

Constitution & Rules

Hampstead and Yalding Cruising Club

The objectives of the club shall be.

  1. To promote good fellowship among boat owners
  2. To encourage activities afloat and on club land for all members
  3. To assist and represent boat owners.
  4. To always maintain safety on the water


  1. Annual membership renewal fee to be decided at Committee meeting and be payable on the 1st of April each year.
  2. Renewal membership to be charged at £50.00 per year.
  3. New membership will be charged at £110.00 when membership is confirmed by the Commodore new members will be advised as to payment method.
  4. Mooring on the club land: no more than 14 consecutive days in any 90-day period. Members mooring on the land and at other club events do so at their own risk.
  5. Membership shall be granted as a family membership, owner, partner & children this also allows the owner and partner to cast a vote at the AGM.
  6. New member on receipt of a duly sponsored and signed application form and supported and signed of membership that members boats are fully insured, licenced and carry a valid BSC.
  7. Members may not participate in functions nor use club land unless subscriptions have been paid.
  8. Members on the sale of any boat will remove the pennant and any stickers from the vessel.
  9. All members must attend at least one work party/club event during the membership year. (Exclusions on the grounds of health/commitments are at the discretion of the Commodore.
  10. The club pennant must always be flown when on club land or attending an event.
  11. No vehicles to be taken on to the club land without the FULL permission of the Commodore.
  12. Fishing is permitted from members boats but not the club land.
  13. All new members are to serve a probationary period of one year from the date of acceptance.

Management Committee

  1. President: To represent and support the club and advise on policy
  2. Commodore: To represent and preside over the club, to be chairman, have casting vote at meetings, and have the final say in matters relating to the club and members.
  3. Vice. Commodore: To assist the commodore in their duties and to undertake them in their absence
  4. Rear Commodore: To assist both the Commodore and Vice Commodore in their duties and to undertake these duties in their absence.
  5. Club and Membership Secretary: To record and minute each AGM and Committee meeting, to attend all clerical duties including membership and arrange publication of the club newsletter.
  6. Honorary Treasurer: To attend to all financial matters, and to maintain a list of paid-up members and to produce a full statement of account each year at the AGM.
  7. Person/Persons who show Interest in a Committee position, should first be sponsored, proposed and then receive the full supporting vote of all Committee members. All voting and discussion to be kept strictly confidential.
  8. Other Officers shall be elected as required by the club and committee each year.

 Management Committee meetings shall be called by the club secretary with a minimum seven days’ notice. An extraordinary general meeting can be called at any time. Resignation from the club
Every member on joining the club shall agree to the club rules, and in signing the application form have accepted that they have read and understood and agree to comply with the club constitution and rules, any refusal or neglect to do so, or any conduct which in the opinion of the Management Committee is either unworthy of a member,  or could be considered injurious to the club shall render the member liable to expulsion by the management committee. Before expelling a member, the management committee shall call upon the member for an explanation and the opportunity to defend themselves or resign their membership of the club.
Any conditions covered by these rules shall be dealt with by the management committee whose decision is final.

Annual General Meeting: This shall be held every year as close to the end of the boating season as dates and venue allow.
Winding up of Hampstead & Yalding Cruising Club: In the event of the officers and management committee of Hampstead & Yalding Cruising Club finding that there is no longer sufficient support to continue as an active club they will; call an extraordinary general meeting , the assets of the club will be held in trust by the Commodore, secretary and Treasurer for a period of two years , if at the end of this time there has been no further interest in reviving the club then the Trustees shall sell the assets of the club. The total liquid assets shall then be donated to the RNLI.

This site was constructed by Kevin Bourne
If you have any problems with using this site or want to comment on something, please feel free to contact the comittee